All subjects taught in conventional schools plus Vocational Aptitude, Arabic Studies, Islamic Studies, Tahafeez (Quran Memorization).

The school has collection of qualified, highly experienced and dedicated teachers who are holders of M.Ed certificate in Education, B.Ed and NCE certificate in Education, to cover all subjects taught in the school.

We are Montessori-inspired in the method of our teaching, where we identify the young talents, develop and modify them. We also ensure that pupils learn actively by allowing them to participate in the lesson, discover things themselves and not just being passive learners.

Infrastructure and facilities provided are essentially for external attraction of parents, pupils/students and even staff as well as other passersby. There are a number of internal attractions available in form of incentives in order to encourage effective teaching and learning, maintain good standard of education as well as appreciate and encourage all stake holders in the school project.
MOLEK Schools has the following incentives for parents, pupils/students as well as the staff who are major players, without whom there can be no school system:
  • Scholarship scheme of various types for deserving pupils and students.
  • School fees waiver/rebate for parents who have up to a certain number of children in the school.
  • School fees rebate for biological children of the staff of the school.
  • Staff and pupils/students who excel in any field of endeavor as recognized/organized by, or for the school are reasonably rewarded and commended.
  • Accelerated promotion into certain classes for deserving pupils and students.

Alhamdulilah (Glory be to God), the small seed sown on 3rd September 2007 has grown and blossomed to the Glory of God.
The three main arms, which form MOLEK Schools, have been dully recognized and approved by the government of Osun State as follows:
Nursery School: April 2008
Primary School: April 2012
Secondary School: July 2013
The number of the school children, which was only nineteen (19) at the end of 2007/2008 session in July 2008, has risen close to 900 as at July 2019. This is in spite of very competitive pupil/student admission process.
In the same vein, the number of staff grew from just six (6) (four teaching and two non-teaching) to seventy eight (78) (61 teaching and 17 non-teaching) within the same period.
  • The first pupil to pass out from MOLEK Primary School was Master Ismail Oyelude in July 2010.
  • MOLEK Schools presented her first set of JSS 3 students for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (Osun State) in 2013 and we recorded 100% pass in very good grades.
  • The school presented students for NECO BECE for the first time in 2016 and ALL of them passed (100%).
  • MOLEK Schools entered her first set of SS 3 students for both the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council NECO) Senior School Certificate Examinations in 2016 and all of them came out in good grades.
The subjects offered in the secondary school are Science, Arts/Humanity, Trade/Commercial as well as Islamic and Religious studies, Arabic and French Languages.

The ultimate aim of our educational system is to make the dreams of parents come true, by producing students who will be able to compete favourably with their counterparts anywhere, anytime, and to make them GOD-FEARING future leaders in the society. For that reason, we shall continue to do everything humanly possible to impart functional and qualitative teachings with proper knowledge of the Teachings of Islam in order to build a TOTAL CHILD.